Choosing the Right Google 3D Warehouse Model

1. Searching for a store with Moderate complexity yields these results:

Advanced Search Results for "Store" - "Moderate" complexity

2. Lets choose the JHC Petersen's Sons Store:

Selected Model


3. Download the model into Sketchup:

Download the Model

4. The Model after loading and rotating view:

Selected Building Model

5. Unlock and remove the terrain and hidden objects. Go to Window>Layers to open the Layers window.

Remove Terrain

View after deletions:

After Deletion

6. Save the File with either the File>Save or File>Save As command.

7. Open file with 3DXchange:

Open with 3DXchange

8. Rotate 180 to face forward, Align to GND, Align to Center, Smooth any elements that need smoothing:

Process Model

9. Export to iClone:

Export to iClone

10. Go to the Set tab, Props button, Custom tab and navigate to the location you exported the prop to in iClone. Double click or drag and drop store into the iClone workspace:

iClone Workspace

11. Add iClone elements such as terrain, props, accessories and actors to complete your scene:

Final Scene


Polygonal Modeling Basics